Such a talisman for the attraction of money and wealth for many centuries produced the scotch mages. It is believed that the recipe for making this magic amulet lucky got in ancient times, one of the scottish hunters from a tribe of local dwarfs. Recipe for making a talisman to attract money the dwarves devoted themselves to the hunter for the save in the mountains of Scotland, the old dwarf, who crushed a heavy rock.

It is believed that a race of underground dwarves is this really the current inhabitants of albion. At least in Uk and Ireland every second of residents believe that the dwarfs and trolls – that's the real inhabitants of the underground kingdom. In fact the interior of our planet almost have not been studied, and that there in fact is located under the ground is difficult for us to imagine. As is known, the dwarves – it is the richest and the lean character of this hidden world. A large part of their wealth to be published under the earth in the form of precious metals and precious stones, or deal with the magic for getting money.
How to make an amulet from the wire with his own hands
For the production of the amulet for getting the money we're going to need all the coins, and copper wire of various diameter of 0.8 and 0.3 mm. Tools: pliers, side and a pair of pliers. And now we begin to understand how to make an amulet for getting money on the magical scottish technology with their own hands at home . On the photo is presented the overall process of the production of this talisman. It is believed that such a knit pattern of the wire is the main power amplifier and the antenna for receiving the money.
- First we make a frame for the coin of the thicker wire, bending it to the size of coins. Bend up the ends, so 3-4 cm for shaping suspension pendant , sadness, cut.
- Prepare wire 0.8 mm small, thick rings, with a diameter of about 0.5 see
- We take a 1.2 metre of thin wire, with the free end in a length of 50 cm and start packing the frame of the mascot.
- Every 3-4 wheels firmly attach the ring. Then we'll do 3 laps of the ring, on the side, to which we will connect the next thing, that bolt to the first three solid turns. Further downhill two turns on the other side of the country frame and connect its five tight turns. Then everything is repeated, until it is join the last ring, closing the circle. Connecting the first and the last three changes, and complete the liquidation of five turnovers on the side of the country.
- Forming a suspension. At a short distance from the cash the mascot of the we do at your wire small strips. A thin wire, which is free at the beginning of the work, we begin firmly packing the two parallel procrastinating cushioning. After knitting, remove the wire and press firmly.
- For the production of internal cash amulet made of wire 0.8 mm making the frame, on the form, which is the same as the previous, but smaller on average. Ends bend inward and press firmly.
- Insert a coin between the frames and connect them with thin wire, winding between the rings.
- Eyelet for cash amulet do, the bending of the braided suspension.
When the amulet for getting the money he is willing to, then get over it need to read the spell on the old scottish dialect: "We, the gnome makes me an amulet for money and wealth. And I tell him the answer that I want to luck. And every day and every hour begin the herd money in my pocket", that the estimated translation means: "My pixie weaves me an amulet for money and wealth. And I'll tell him the answer, what I want is happiness. And every day and every hour they start to slide down the money in my pocket". The Amulet you wear to the leather strap under his clothes.